Thursday, September 13, 2012

MWF seeking BFF

A couple of months ago I read a book review for MWF seeking BFF and thought - wow, that's me! I know, scary thing to admit but true. Marriage, a lay off, one rescue dog and two kids later, most of my amazing work friends have faded in my life. Yes my life has changed dramatically, personally and professionally but my desire for friends, specifically female friends has not. The book sounded interesting even though I typically do not read memoirs. So I logged into and got on the waiting list. (For those of you who like to read like I do, this is a great place to swap that is free to join. Check it out.) A short while later, I was happily nursing and reading the opening chapters. It took about two weeks but I finished the book excited and full of hope. The author was engaging and funny with interesting and well researched scientific data. As I said, it is a memoir for the author, not a self-help book but it does contain plenty of information and resources for women who are seeking friends. One side note, the author talks about how she hasn't had children so she isn't part of the Mommy & Me club, I have them and still am not part of the Mommy & Me club. Apparently having kids isn't the only criteria. Who knew?

In my personal quest (not as well planned, timed or executed as hers), I read this book looking for answers. Instead I got to laugh out loud often, share some numbers and reflections with my husband, and learn about myself. My three biggest take aways: 1. What are my flaws as a friend? 2. Don't be afraid to tell someone how much you like/love/enjoy them. 3. Always follow up, immediately. The more I read, the more I thought. Are my attempts to relate to someone viewed as one-upmanship? Do I tell people often enough what I really think? Am I putting myself out there? One thing I do know for sure is that after a friend break-up (a story for another time) I do everything in my power to help grow friendships, often with people whom I only like some times. I give it my all even when I don't get it back or when we don't click enough to warrant it. This way I know that I have tried my hardest and done my best. We may not be BFFs but it won't be for lack of effort on my part.

Anyway, I highly recommend the book to anyone who is looking for a laugh and wishes they had even one more friend in their life. Since I enjoyed it so much, I am not going to pass the book on through as I normally would but through a giveaway on this blog.

To enter, post in the comment section what you are reading. I will select a winner and mail them my copy of MWF seeking BFF. I will contact you should you win. Deadline for emails is October 31st, 2012.

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