Thursday, January 17, 2013

January Reading

This month is always busy but it is also the darkest, meaning I try to read as much as possible. Here are the titles on my bookshelf this month:

For those of you who just looked over the books and thought, well then, she has a lot of time to read. Please know, I do not have a lot of time to read so the book must really hold my interest. The ones above are the ones that:
1. I read the table of contents and found it interesting.
2. I read the first chapter and want to read more.
3. The author's writing was enjoyable enough that even my sleep deprived brain wanted to stay awake and read more.
I can already tell you that the Make The Bread, Buy The Butter book is one that I will probably buy. I am only in the first chapter or so but already there are enough recipes that it would be worth buying.
Wish me time and luck finding time to read all these amazing looking book.
What are you reading this winter?

This article was shared on SemiHomemade Mom.


  1. I am so glad I found you on the Homeacre Hop. I am certainly a reader instead of a do-er at this time of year. Reading these kind of posts is always risking for me as I end up adding a ton of titles to my amazon wishlist! And I have a LOT of books already. Following you now - let me know if you would like to guestblog on Mumtopia.

    1. Wow, thank you so much for the compliment and offer. I would love to, shoot me an email. Thanks again.

  2. Wow! Looks like you have a GREAT bunch of books there! I pulled out some of our go-to gardening books, but I'm reading the Heroes of Olympus series with my daughter. (It's the next one in the Percy Jackson series). She's almost a book ahead of me! LOL Someday I'll spend more time in the ADULT section of the library! ;)

  3. Looks like a great list :) I am trying to finish reading The Quarter Acre Farm (by Spring Warren, I think?) but I am having a hard time getting around to it.

    Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop!

    1. That book came for me at the library the day after I posted this. It looks great but I haven't gotten to it yet. I am in the middle of Made From Scratch and loving it.

  4. Some great picks! I will need to add these to my list too.


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